At present hunger is a bigger worry than the virus for some people!
With the recent lockdown in India, most of us quickly quarantined our self and adapted work from home, while a large community of the society is jammed with no place to call home, and no means to feed themselves or their family. The lockdown has left devastating consequences for an ill-equipped section of the society. Daily wages workers at construction sites, restaurants, hotels, shops, delivery employees and local transport drivers, all depends on their daily income to survive. But the lockdown has left them with no means to earn for them. At this tough time, we can do something to eradicate their Hunger and desperation
In case you
want to help those in need, here’s a list of organizations where you can donate
your part:
1. Give2Asia Funds
Give2Asia is working to support frontline health workers and communities to fight COVID-19 and future epidemics. They are also involved in funding activities to slow the spread of the virus. To date, they have raised over US$5 million from corporate and individual donors. You can donate here.

2. Covid-19 Relief Kits by Safa Society
Safa Society relief kits were launched to provide basic ration and hygiene supply kits to those in dire need. You can donate here.

3. India Fundraiser for Daily Wage Workers
The Mission Support Covid Hit Families by Fundraiser Give India Organization urges to donate so daily wage earners can feed their families. You can donate here.

4. N95 Masks for Medical Staff- PharmEasy
To support the doctors, nurses & hospital staff who are persistently working day and night on the frontline against the COVID-19 outbreak, you can donate here.

5. Zomato Feeding India
The ‘Feed the Daily Wager’ initiative by Zomato focuses to help poor families have a reliable supply of meals in the absence of employment opportunities. You can donate here.

6. WHO Covid-19 Response Fund
The World Health Organization is leading and coordinating the global effort, supporting countries to prevent and respond to the epidemic. Your donation will support WHO’s work to track and understand the spread of the virus and to accelerate efforts to develop vaccines, tests.
You can donate here.

7. Help Wastepickers via Hasiru Dala
The organization primarily focuses to support waste-pickers through interventions co-created with them, in the areas of healthcare, rights, housing and access to family education. You can donate here.

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