The fast-moving development of Corona virus is a major concern for the World. The virus attacks the respiratory system making to tough for the person to breath. As the spread is getting wider, physical or social distancing is a key element in decreasing the spread, countries including India have opted for a complete lockdown to ensure the safety of fellow citizens. Lockdown has been dated till 14th April and the necessary shops (Grocery, vegetable shops, medicine etc) will continue to remain open throughout. This has been done since it will minimize your risk of people being exposed to the virus and, if you are safe, you minimize the potential spread to someone else.

Moreover, no major breakthrough has been achieved on
COVID-19 so far, that is why World Health Organization (WHO) has suggested to
keep the basics right. All the preventive measures have to be strictly followed
and the moment you step out of your house, you should be far more careful than ever.
So, here are some simple steps you can take when you have to go out in case of
something extremely important.
1) Cover Yourself up –
The first step is to make sure you have covered yourself up with full sleeve
clothes. Wear shoes & cap, exposing only hand or face. This could help you
protect from deadly virus getting onto your skin.
2) Mask & Gloves – Once you have covered yourself, the next step is to wear a mask and put on rubber gloves so that when you touch anything outside your house, it doesn’t leave any virus on your skin. Only single use for mask and gloves are advisable.
3) Social Distancing- When you are out on the streets, be very careful with every action you do. Don’t be close to any person, maintain a metre or two distance with everyone. Refrain from leaning on anything if you are standing in a queue for a long period of time.
4) The Money- This is one of the crucial steps that many people tend to look away from it. Make a separate small polybag in which you keep the cash you take from outside world, be it fruit seller, vegetable seller or grocery shop, hand over or keep the cash from that polybag only with your gloves on.
5) Returning Home- Once you are back in your house, without touching anything (not ever door handles) just head to the washroom and take shower. Wash your clothes immediately which you had on. Also, wash the stuff (If you got) with Luke warm water before doing anything with it.
Following these few simple methods, you could save yourself as well as your family. COVID-19 has very large extend and humans are not able to chop their limbs yet. The deaths suggest majorly old age people have dangerous affect but no matter which group you fall into, we as a society have responsibility to limit the spread to other healthy people. Stay at your home and be take precautionary measures.
To end, don’t panic in any situation. Everyone is in this together and we will sail through.