Confidence in people is regaining that the coronavirus might recede soon and restrictions eased and businesses gradually reopening throughout the world. However, medical experts warn that it is too early to return to normalcy. Health, businesses, and social effects affected by pandemic will persist for months to come. The World Health Organization (WHO) has clearly stated that there is no enough evidence that antibodies have been developed in bodies of those who have recovered from COVID -19 infections.
A practitioner in Scotland, Dr. Robert Coull opened up upon the newly suggested “Herd Immunity.” He debunked the idea saying that the concept is rare in nature. Herd immunity basically was popularizing as a solution to fight the spread by developing a strong immunity in a large population, by infecting all. Also, he said having a vaccine with the limited effect is a worst-case scenario, as it will undermine the confidence in vaccines among people. Dr. Coull also stated that life would not go back to “pre-COVID” times any soon.
Talking about businesses, he added, to get work started again office buildings have to adapt and mend by adding Perspex barriers. Wearing masks in public will also be very necessary.
Anthony Fauci, an American physician, and immunologist, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, says that the virus Covid-19 even if recedes, won’t disappear, it will come back again in the fall.
A senior scholar at John Hopkins, Dr. Amesh Adalja, has also warned against social distancing “As soon as you start to relax social distancing you’re going to get more cases, the question will be those cases be too much for the system to handle?” he stated. “It’s still important that we do social distancing and that we take smart measures to try and avoid ourselves from getting infected,” Adalja added.
No vaccine, no normality
The President of the US, Mr. Trump, has asked major league sports commissioners to restart the National Football League, allowing fans in the stadiums by fall. Health experts believe that life will not be returning to normal, even in a best-case scenario.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates says that to return to normalcy, businesses need to come up with tools that detect and prevent the spread.
Bill Gates recently wrote that- “It’s entirely understandable that the national conversation has turned to a single question: “When can we get back to normal?” The shutdown has caused immeasurable pain in jobs lost, people isolated, and worsening inequity. People are ready to get going again. Unfortunately, although we have the will, we don’t have the way – not yet.”
When everybody hopes of the vaccine as a long term solution to bring the pandemic under control, Experts say that, even at the best of optimism, it will take at least a year to 18 months to build and develop a vaccine.
According to National Geographic, the fastest ever approved vaccine took 4 years, which includes viral sampling to licensing the drug. The vaccine was mumps in 1967.
At Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Peter Hotez, an expert on infectious disease and vaccine development believes the 12-to-18-month timeline may be wishful thinking. “I can’t think of another example where things have gone that quickly,” Hotez told CNN.
The world economy forced to adjust
Another important effect is on the world’s economy. The pandemic has created a shock to the global economy that it has never experienced and scenarios returning to a pre-virus situation will be difficult.
The world economy has never had witnessed something like this, as it is seeing now as coronavirus has brought a whole model of worldwide financial advancement sliding to a stop, as indicated by Adam Tooze, a history teacher and chief of the European Institute at Columbia University.

“As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, America’s economy is now widely expected to shrink by a quarter. That is as much as during the Great Depression. But whereas the contraction after 1929 stretched over a four-year period, the coronavirus implosion will happen over the next three months,” he composed as of late in Foreign Policy.
Enormous business and instructive foundations in the US are preparing for working and learning at home this fall.
The employment recuperation will take until one year from now and it’s probably not going to return to pre-coronavirus levels for two or three years, as indicated by S&P. The joblessness rate in the US is assessed at 20 percent to 45 percent – surpassing the Great Depression pinnacle of 25 percent in 1933.
Also, if the nations revive their economies without the correct safety measures set up, that could cause a recharged flare-up.
“The greatest hazard is that you open excessively quick, too extensively, and you have another round of contaminations, a subsequent wave,” Mark Zandi, boss financial expert for Moody’s Analytics was cited saying in New York Times. “That is the grain for a financial downturn. That would just totally sabotage certainty.”
The total number of cases in India has crossed 28,000-mark in India, while the death toll has risen to more than 885. The most number of cases are recorded from Maharashtra, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat Rajashtan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh. A decision to the ongoing lockdown till May 3 is likely to be made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with other CMs today via video-conferencing.

After the order by the Union Home Ministry, some states are allowing more shops to open including those selling garments, hardware, mobile phones, and stationery items. Restaurants, liquor and cigarette shops, hair salons would remain closed everywhere irrespective of their location. Also, the sale of non-essential items through e-commerce platforms continues to remain shut.
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