Prime Minister Modi extends nationwide lockdown till 3rd May 2020. The extension was surely on cards looking at the fact, number of Corona hit patients have gone past 10k in the country. PM Modi addressed the nation when the countrywide lockdown was about to end on 14th April. In his third address, Prime Minister Modi talked about how crucial next week can be, also told about giving relaxation in some hotspots if things go well.
In the few minutes, PM Modi explained how crucial his decision was to extend the lockdown further keeping slowdown of economy in the mind. He said, coming week can be crucial for the nation as the fight against corona virus should be more severe to curb its spread. He urged people to follow the rules and stay at home, preventing the arise of new hotspots. New hotspots would mean the spread of COVID-19 that can be deadly for the nation.

PM Modi assured that the decision was taken with all the chief ministers and various organizations, suggesting the extend of lockdown due to the increasing corona patients. Two-week extension proposal was put forward by many CM’s and other agencies. In the last leg of his speech, the Prime Minister Modi thanked all the workers, doctors, nurses, police and other unsung heroes who are putting their life at risk for the fight against Corona Virus. Moreover, Modi also thanked his citizens for following the lockdown rules rigorously.

One of the major announcement PM Modi made was, all the town, districts, villages and states will be thoroughly monitored for the next one week (till 20th April). Performances of the particular areas or district would be examined closely and will be observed whether it has shown improvement on tackling the corona virus or not. On that basis, those areas would be given some relaxation if the improvement is noticed or there are no new cases reported.

In his nationwide address, PM Modi also urged his citizens to pay heed on 7 points –
- Take care of the senior citizens or elderly at your home. They are more likely to be in the radar of COVID-19.
- Don’t forget to wear your home-made mask in any case when you are stepping out of your house. Social Distancing should be on top priority.
- Build strong immunity by following Ministry of AAYUSH tips. Drink hot water and kadha on regular basis.
- Government has recently launched Aarogya Setu app for all devices which tracks the location and Bluetooth of your smartphone device to tell you – You are in a high-risk area or anyone near you is infected.
- Help the needy and poor people in this critical time. If you are capable enough, help them.
- Do not lay off or terminate any of your employee during lockdown rather show empathy for them.
- Thank all the front-line warriors- Health care professionals, delivery boys, service workers, sanitary workers, Police, and Nurses.