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-An ounce of sauce covers a multitude of sins



Anthony was one of the most familiar faces in the food industry both on TV and on social media. He was someone who was never afraid of giving an opinion on any kind of topic. But we bet that there’s a lot you didn’t know about this legendary chef and personality.

1. Anthony Michael Bourdain was born in New York City on June 25, 1956, he attended Vassar college before dropping out to pursue the career in cooking.

Anthony Michael Bourdain



2. Anthony fell in love with food when he visited France at the age of 10 and tried a fresh oyster on a fishing boat.

Anthony BourdainSource


3. Before dreaming to be a cook Michael wanted to be a comic book artist. He co-wrote a graphic novel in 2011 known as  GET JIRO

Get Jiro Blood SushiSource


4. Bourdain was once a drug addict, he himself revealed in his book “kitchen confidential” that he sold his record collection.

kitchen Confidential Italian Edition Anthony Bourdain



5. Ecco Press, an imprint of HarperCollins, gave Bourdain its own line of books in 2011. The books he has published so far include titles of culinary personalities, including Roy Choi de Kogi, Daniel Vaughn, barbecue lover and Marilyn Hagerty, columnist.

Ecco Press



6. Bourdain first job was at the age of 17 as a dishwasher at a wedding reception.




7. “Kitchen Confidential” written by Anthony was adapted as a Tv series in 2005. In which Bradley Cooper played the role of Anthony Bourdain.




8. Bourdain’s first novel “Bone in the Throat (1995)” was converted into a movie. It was directed by Graham Henman.

Bone in the Throat (1995)



9. “If you’re twenty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn and be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible. Sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and eat and cook. Learn from them – wherever you go.”It is one of the most inspiring quotes written by BOURDAIN.

Bourdian Dead



10. Macau –Styled Pork Chop Sandwich, Buddae Jjigae, Korean Fried Chicken are three standout recipes by ANTHONY BOURDAIN

Macau –Styled Pork Chop Sandwich



Today Anthony is no more with us. He passed away yesterday. You will be always remembered, Chef. May your soul Rest in Peace.