Walmart Candy Recall Due to Salmonella Concerns

Walmart Recalls Candy Due to Salmonella Concerns

Palmer Candy Company, based in Sioux City, Iowa, recently recalled its white-coated confectionary items due to potential contamination with Salmonella the same reason why Walmart recalls candy and other items. This recall, initially announced in May, has now been classified as a Class I recall, which is the highest level of risk according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

The recall affects various products distributed across 17 states, emphasizing the severity of the situation and the potential health risks involved. 

While no illnesses have been reported, the recall underscores the importance of consumer vigilance in preventing serious health consequences.

What Prompted the Recall?

The recall was initiated after Palmer Candy Company was informed by its liquid coating supplier of possible contamination with Salmonella. The contamination was traced back to an ingredient from one of the supplier’s sources. 

In response, Palmer Candy Company immediately halted the production of the affected items and began working with the FDA to investigate the issue further. 

The FDA classified the recall as a Class I recall on August 6, indicating that the products pose a significant risk of serious health issues or even death.

Products Affected by the Recall

Walmart Candy Recall Due to Salmonella Concerns

The recalled products include a range of popular snacks such as Caramel Swirl Pretzels, Classic Yogurt Pretzels, and Zebra Fudge Cookies. These items were distributed across 17 states and sold at major retailers like Walmart, Hy-Vee, Target, and Dollar General.

The wide distribution of these products highlights the potential impact on consumers and the need for prompt action to prevent any health risks.

Understanding Salmonella and Its Risks


Salmonella is a common bacterial infection that primarily affects the intestinal tract. It is typically contracted through contaminated water or food. Symptoms of Salmonella infection include diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, and fever. 

While most healthy individuals recover within a few days to a week without specific treatment, the infection can become severe and even life-threatening for vulnerable individuals such as young children, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems.

In some cases, Salmonella can enter the bloodstream, leading to more severe conditions such as arterial infections, endocarditis, and arthritis. 

This is why the FDA’s Class I recall classification is so critical—it signifies that the affected products pose a real and serious threat to public health.

Steps for Consumers to Take

If you have purchased any of the recalled products, it is crucial to return them to the store for a full refund. Palmer Candy Company has set up a hotline at 1-800-831-0828 for consumers with questions or concerns. 

Additionally, the FDA’s website provides a full list of the recalled items so consumers can check if they have any of the affected products in their homes.

The recall also extends to products distributed in Canada, further emphasizing the widespread reach of the potential contamination. Consumers are urged to exercise caution and dispose of any products that may be affected.

Ongoing Investigation

Palmer Candy Company and the FDA are continuing their investigation to determine the exact source of the contamination and prevent any future incidents. 

While the recall is a significant step in protecting public health, it also serves as a reminder of the importance of strict quality control measures in the food industry. As Walmart recalls candy and other items it’s on us to be aware and safe on our end too.

The company’s swift response to the notification from its supplier and its cooperation with the FDA reflect its commitment to consumer safety. However, the situation also highlights the potential risks associated with complex supply chains and the need for ongoing vigilance.

The recall of Palmer Candy Company’s white-coated confectionary items due to potential Salmonella contamination is a serious matter that requires immediate attention from consumers. 

With the FDA classifying the recall as a Class I, it is clear that the affected products pose a significant risk to public health. Consumers are advised to return any recalled products for a full refund and to stay informed about the ongoing investigation.

As the situation unfolds, it is crucial for both consumers and companies to prioritize safety and take the necessary steps to prevent any potential health risks. 

Palmer Candy Company’s recall serves as a reminder of the importance of food safety and the need for rigorous quality control measures in the industry.

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