India Vs China? Whose efficiency is best in Emergency Situations?

As the world is facing a glimpse of Emergency due to Corona Virus, various countries are coming up with something or the other to fight COVID-19. Indian government also decided to lock the entire country for three weeks. Businesses have shut, travel interstate or international has been locked for 21 days and people are in self isolation as corona toll reached above 1000 in India with Gujrat, Telangana, and few other states reporting deaths. Recently, china built a dedicated hospital for Corona Virus patients in under 10 days and soon after the news was out, people went mad about it. How efficient Chinese are, is what people were saying to each other doubting that Indian government would to this kinda stuff in 10 years probably. But in comparison of that, India went step ahead and made almost 1000’s of bedded isolation ward overnight. All thanks to Indian Railways.

So, in view of the growing corona virus patients in the country, Indian government thought something out of the box which can help deal with growing corona patients in the country, something that can be easily available around the country with all equipped with all necessities like consultation rooms, ICU, medical store, and food. In context of all this, Indian Railway came up with a solution that, they will turn their train coaches into isolation wards with all the facilities available to deal better with Corona pandemic.

The Railways will convert their train coaches in order to reach the different cities with all the facilities also lifting some burden from local Hospitals. The upper and middle seats have been pulled out and made isolation wards with curtains in cabins for the patient. Medical equipment and other necessary related in dealing COVID-19 have been placed in it. Also, the railways took the initiative to make hospital beds, stools etc, in their workshop to better prepare of situation for any future requirement of Isolation/Quarantine Wards of Hospitals. This is prototype as of now, once approved by the government, this will be a huge achievement to all of us.

A country of more than 1.3 billion people, Indian government is ready to deal with any situation thrown at them. This makeshift hospital by Indian Railways’ will empower the government in handling this tough situation smoothly. These coaches can be sent to any part of the country where the rise of cases can be seen. We hope those critical situations never come and we push off through this quite easily but we have to laud both the government and Indian Railways’ for being prepared of situations like this. Follow what has been advised by the government and stay safe.  

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