11 A-Meow-Zing Facts About Cats You Didn’t Know

11 A-Meow-Zing Facts About Cats You Didn’t Know

As we celebrate International Cats Day, it’s the perfect time to uncover some a-meow-zing and little-known facts about cats our beloved feline friends. Cats, with their mysterious behavior and quirky habits, never fail to captivate us.

Whether you’re a dedicated cat lover or simply curious, here are 11 intriguing facts that highlight the remarkable and often surprising nature of cats.

1. The Oldest Pet Cat Dates Back 9,500 Years

Lets start with facts about cats from where their petting journey began.

Did you know that the oldest known pet cat lived 9,500 years ago? While many believe that Egyptians were the first to domesticate cats, French archaeologists discovered a 9,500-year-old cat grave in Cyprus in 2004.

This predates Egyptian depictions of cats by over 4,000 years, offering a fascinating glimpse into the ancient relationship between humans and cats.

2. Cats Spend 70% of Their Lives Sleeping

11 A-Meow-Zing Facts About Cats You Didn’t Know
Source: animalhospitalofclemmons

It’s no secret that cats love to sleep, but did you know they spend about 70% of their lives doing it? 

That’s roughly 13-16 hours of sleep every day! This extensive sleep schedule is a trait passed down from their wild ancestors, who needed to conserve energy for hunting. So, when your cat curls up for yet another nap, they’re just following their natural instincts.

3. A Cat Was Mayor of an Alaskan Town for 20 Years

In a small town in Alaska called Talkeetna, an orange tabby cat named Stubbs served as mayor for 20 years.

Stubbs won several uncontested elections and, despite not holding any legislative power, he became a beloved figure among locals and tourists. His unique position as a cat mayor added a touch of charm to the town’s history.

4. The Longest Cat Ever Measured 48.5 Inches

Source: guinnessworldrecords

Domestic cats are usually known for their small size, but Stewie, a Maine Coon, set a record as the world’s longest cat, measuring 48.5 inches from nose to tail. 

Meanwhile, Arcturus holds the record for the tallest cat at 19.05 inches. These extraordinary measurements show just how diverse and impressive cats can be.

5. The Richest Cat Inherited £7 Million

Blackie, the richest cat in the world, inherited a whopping £7 million after his millionaire owner passed away.

In a surprising twist, the owner chose to leave his fortune to Blackie instead of his family. This unusual inheritance has made Blackie a legend in the world of facts about cats.

6. Cats Walk Like Camels and Giraffes

Have you ever noticed that cats walk in a unique way? Their walking sequence involves moving both right feet first, followed by both left feet, which is similar to how camels and giraffes walk.

This unusual gait helps cats move with stealth and precision, making them even more fascinating to watch.

7. Isaac Newton Invented the Cat Door

11 A-Meow-Zing Facts About Cats You Didn’t Know
Source: deviantart

Isaac Newton is best known for his work on gravity, but did you know he’s also credited with inventing the cat door? 

While working at the University of Cambridge, Newton was constantly interrupted by his cats scratching at the door. To solve this, he had two holes cut into the door—one for the mother cat and a smaller one for her kittens. These holes are reportedly still visible today.

8. A Cat Went to Space in 1963

Source: medium

While dogs and monkeys are well-known for their space adventures, few people know that a cat also ventured into space.

In 1963, a cat named Felicette, or “Astrocat,” became the first and only feline to journey into space. Her brief but historic trip added a new chapter to the story of animals in space exploration.

9. Ancient Egyptians Shaved Their Eyebrows to Mourn Cats

I bet you didn’t know this facts about cats, in Ancient Egypt, cats were revered, and their deaths were met with deep mourning. According to historical records, family members would shave off their eyebrows to show their grief when a pet cat died.

This unique ritual highlights the special bond between the Egyptians and their dear companions.

10. Cats Have an Extraordinary Sense of Smell

11 A-Meow-Zing Facts About Cats You Didn’t Know
Source: fearfreehappyhomes

Cats possess an extraordinary sense of smell, far superior to that of humans. 

With 50 to 80 million scent receptors in their noses, cats can detect food, recognize other animals, and even sense danger from a distance. This heightened sense of smell is a crucial part of their survival instincts.

11. Cats Are Musical Creatures!

Much like birds, cats have an impressive vocal range and can make up to 100 different sounds, compared to a dog’s mere 10. This diverse array of noises includes meows, purrs, hisses, and more.

Cats use these sounds to communicate with humans and other animals, showcasing their unique form of “musical talent.”

As you spend time with your fluffy pet today, remember these intriguing facts about cats and appreciate the unique qualities that make them such fascinating creatures. Whether they’re snoozing the day away or showcasing their hunting prowess, cats continue to enrich our lives with their charm and mystery.

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